Concrete Domes45 years - 63 countries

Concrete Domes45 years - 63 countries


Inexpensive Cold Storage

Dome Storage

Dome Storage

Thin shell insulated domes provide the most amount of usable storage space of any structure type at a very reasonable cost

In India, more than 40% of harvests are spoiled due to lack of storage infrastructure. This directly impacts the farmer/grower's profit and leads to marginal farmers leaving their land to work in cities.

Government schemes to refund up to 50% of the build cost make our solution a very affordable option.

If you add an off-site, solar cooler to our insulated dome, you can store perishable fruits in a safe, secure, disaster resistant warehouse.

For ease of construction and lowest cost, we use:

30ft diameter Ellipsoid domes

(Stand alone or linked together)

Floor area of 707ft²/dome

Storage capacity of 3000ft³/dome

(Ex: 50MT of Apples/dome)

A normal, PUF insulated, metal sided structure, off-site manufactured and assembled on-site using skilled labour is +- Rs 10,000/ft². At a 700ft² area, that is 7 Lakhs.

(Not earthquake or disaster resistant with a maximum 15-20 year lifespan)

We can build ON-SITE at half that cost using local, unskilled labour and one supervisor.

This allows us to build closer to the source, so spoilage and transport time is reduced, thereby increasing profits for the farmer/grower.

We use PPC (Pozzolan Portland Cement, 30% fly ash) and only locally sourced materials, so we are more eco-friendly and also qualify for carbon credits. 

So far our domes have lasted only 45 years - compared to Rome's 2,000 year old domes, but in 63 countries.